Tick possesses superhuman strength and mass, which makes him capable of inflicting great damage on his surroundings if he is not careful.
His full strength is never actually quantified, although he is at the very least capable of lifting whole cars with a single hand.
Tick is also "nigh-invulnerable", which means it is almost impossible to injure him in any serious way.
Because of this he can survive moments of extreme duress, and demonstrated this ability on numerous occasions and surviving all this without incident.
While he cannot be injured, he is not necessarily immune to pain, or even temporary brain damage.

Finally, Tick possesses something referred to as "drama power," or basically a tendency for Tick's powers to increase as the situation becomes more dramatic.
Despite his nigh-invulnerability, he is still susceptible to injuries.
One of his only weaknesses is that --- BEEP --- if his --- BEEP --- are --- BEEP ---.

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